Sunday 4 September 2016

Digi awards


For the past three weeks GRi11 2.0 have been working on their Digi-Award entries. We have been fine tuning our Graphic Designs we have completed throughout the year as well as creating new content.

First we filled in a google form to show which workshop we wanted to attend. Then we learnt how too start off our entries and what kind of planning we need to do.

In groups we have decided on which category we wanted to enter into the Digi awards with, we could chose from animation, Music video,graphic design,photography, movies and book trailers.

We have gone to workshops that Mr R and Miss G have run for us, but we also need to manage our time too make sure we can finish our entries. We followed our plans to make a perfect entry.

This has been a great learning opportunity for us and we have learnt how to work in a team successfully, communicate and manage our time. Most of all we had fun. We look forward to sharing some of our entries with you. We really enjoyed making our entries for the Digi Awards!

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