Tuesday 29 March 2016

Championship Swimming Heats

Hi Everyone- hope you all had a good Easter break! We were back into it today and had the Championship Swimming Heats at the Lido.
We could enter in 2 events which were:
50m Freestyle
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
100m Medley

Lots of Gri11 2.0 kids went down to compete. It was awesome to see everyone 'Going for Gold'! Now we have to wait for our times, to see if we made it into the finals that are held at Swimming Sports in Week 11. Keep posted to see how we go!

At the Lido
The boys getting ready for Breaststroke
GRi11 2.0 girls has a close heat in backstroke
Waiting for our race
Strong boys freestyle race
Girls are ready to race
Still smiling after the race
We are Go for Gold kids! 


  1. Everyone swam so well - I can't wait to see you at the swimming sports!

  2. Everyone did fantastic! Just keep on going for gold! Jasmine - Yutong's mum

  3. 👍 Awesome work and Good luck for the finals! Go for gold!💪
    -Sharon (Anneka's mum)

  4. Good luck to all the kids participating in the school swimming sports tomorrow and to the finalist for the championships Go For Gold, and lastly GO TAKAHE!!! (Cole's Mum - Michele).
