Tuesday 15 March 2016

Inter-school Triathlon

On Wednesday it was the Inter-school Triathlon. We went down to Skoglund Park and Freyberg pool. We had to run, bike and swim. It was a much tougher course than the school one.
We had lots of representatives from GRi11 2.0 and some amazing results. Cole finished 2nd and Costa 4th, and Amber finished 3rd. Everyone had an awesome day and was 'Going for Gold!'

Here are some photos from the day.

The C.S.N.S. Team
The Girls are off!
The boys running hard.
Baxter and Costa off the bike
Congratulations Amber!
Congratulations Cole!


  1. good job inter school kids

  2. Well done to everyone. It was an enjoyable day and you did CSNS and your families proud.
