Sunday 27 March 2016

Weetbix Try

On Thursday we had 32 kids from GRi11 2.0 competing in the Weetbix Try at Ongley Park. The weather was bucketing down and made the run very slippery. We all showed determination and a Go for Gold attitude to complete the distance. All in all we had an absolute blast and can't wait for next year!

Jack, Van, Liam and Mr H are all smiles after finishing.
Boothy going for gold.
Jack and Hyacinthe with their finishers medals.

Dom with the bike he won!


  1. It was such a thrill watching everyone from Grill out there trying their hardest and enjoying themselves!!!-Lara's Mum

  2. Good Job Dom - Julia Joonoh's mum

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It was great to see the hri11 2.0 kids trying their hardest and I can't wait to go next year.-Sarojinie(Gihara's mum).

  5. Good job guys keep it up
