Sunday 13 March 2016

GRi11 2.0 Learning Spaces

This term we are learning all about 'Hauora'. There are four parts of Hauora: Social, Mental and Emotional, Spiritual and Physical.

In Gri11 2.0 we have 4 learning spaces, the Hub (the main room), the Hideout, the Hangout, and the Hall of Fame. We designed and named each room at the start of the year so we could learn comfortably in our class Gri11 2.0. We set up different learning spaces that target different learning styles and the 4 elements of Hauora.

The Hub is the main room and it targets all four walls of Hauora, Physical (red), Mental and Emotional(yellow), Spiritual(blue), and Social(green).

The Hideout is a little side room that targets spiritual and it is a quiet room.

The Hangout a little side room that targets Social/teamwork so people work together in there.

The Hall of Fame is a narrow and long room it targets Mental and Emotional so it is calm in there.

Cole likes learning the Hub because he can't focus in other rooms.
Jacob likes Learning in the Hub so he can work in confined spaces.
Holly likes learning in the Hub so she can talk to her friends about her learning.
Lara likes learning in the Hangout because she likes talking to her friends about her learning.

Did you notice that all of the names start with H?

These are the GRi11 2.0 learning space logos...
The Hub
The Hub is coloured mainly green because it is mostly a 'social' space, but does target the other colours too.

The Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame is most colours of Hauora because it is Social, Mental and Emotional, Spiritual.
The Hangout 
The Hangout is green because it is a social
The Hideout
The Hideout is blue because is is a silent space


  1. Cool! Which one of the side rooms is the safe room and which is last year's Lion's Den?

    1. The Safe Room is now the Hide Out and the Lion's Den is now the Hang Out :)

    2. What's the passage now?

    3. The Passage is now The Hall of Fame :)

    4. You better put my face in there then or it just wouldn't be right. :D
